for employers
Have dinner with Dr. Cluff and Dr. Braswell at a restaurant of your choice, to answer any questions you have about providing a TLC Family Health membership to your employees!
Employers: Get 10% off! We warmly invite you to consider providing your employees with a membership to TLC Family Health! It is a wonderful, inexpensive health benefit, providing them with access to comprehensive primary care and all of our usual benefits and services (it is especially valuable if you cannot afford to provide insurance)!
Why might you consider offering a membership to TLC Family Health to your employees?
Higher quality of care and shorter wait times = decreased lost work days/quicker return to work = decreased costs
Telemedicine = easy access to the doctor via e-mail (patient portal), video, & telephone visits (your employees often do not have to leave work – or home – to get the care they need) = less missed work = decreased costs
Wonderful recruiting/retention/employee satisfaction tool
If you already provide insurance for your employees, deductibles usually far exceed our yearly membership fees, so it may still save on overall health care costs.
If you provide insurance for your employees but not their families, it is a wonderful, inexpensive health benefit for them.
Read this to learn more about the potential wisdom of offering Direct Primary Care benefits to your employees.
CLICK HERE to see our letter to business owners and HR (Human Resources) directors.
If you are interested in learning more, contact us. Employees in groups of two (2) or more receive 10% off our usual prices:
If you cannot afford to cover the entire cost, or if you would like your employees to participate by investing in their health, consider splitting the cost with them 50/50. For the average adult it would only cost $8.00 for Silver and $14.50 for Gold per (twice-monthly) paycheck!
In addition, registration fees are 50% off our usual prices (i.e., only $50 per employee, $75 max per family).
Learn more about how providing a Direct Primary Care benefit for your employees can benefit your business by watching this —>